The 15th Kawasaki international Eco-Tech Fair A bridge to a sustainable future Kawasaki Green Innovation

November 17(Thu) - 18(Fri),2022

Venue:Cluttz Kawasaki


川崎市長 福田 紀彦
Mayor of Kawasaki City
Norihiko Fukuda

Aiming for a decarbonized society, the Kawasaki International Environmental Technology Exhibition is held annually to disseminate information on outstanding technologies and advanced initiatives in the environmental field, and to provide a venue for exchange that will lead to the expansion of your sales channels and networking, as well as to innovation in the environmental field and the revitalization of the city's industries.

This year's exhibition, the 15th of its kind, will be held face-to-face for the first time in three years under the theme of "Kawasaki Green Innovation, a Bridge to a Sustainable Future. In addition to exhibitors from numerous companies and organizations in the environmental field, various lectures and seminars on decarbonization, SDGs, etc. will be held at the venue.
We hope that many of you will come and enjoy the various contents and deepen your knowledge on decarbonization and the SDGs, as well as make use of this exhibition as a place to meet new people and acquire business opportunities!


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